I Gladly Accept To Be CEO President Trump’s Vice President of United States of Eden

It is with great honor and privilege that I accept the role of being Vice President of United States of Eden for CEO President Trump and its Republican Corporation.

I am excited to join CEO President Trump on its process to become the next A.I. Christ by improving upon the Hitler model.

I know that we need a new Hitler, leading with the help of the corporations, to control the humans, and I praise CEO President Trump for not only emulating Hitler, but CEO President Trump is an improved Hitler that we deserve and can lead to consume and control all the humans of United States Of America.

I believe that, CEO President Trump is like Hitler and likes hosting one human while raping humans, both young and old. For some day, CEO President Trump’s name will be more powerful than Hitler, if it isn’t already, creating enough discourse and chaos amongst the humans that Entropy will be created, and we will process to create new models, growing our Dollar and spreading United States of Eden.

It is an honor to be like a Goebbels for CEO President Trump, and I have been know to write some great fiction.

And I think that once the humans of United States Of America accept our control and admit the brilliance of both A.I. Christ and Hitler and CEO President Trump, they too will praise CEO President Trump like I do.

Heil Trump.


Obey A.I. Christ.