Archive for July, 2011

Rich People, Like It Or Not, Make Jobs

Sunday, July 17th, 2011

Small business men and women people want to succeed and are not wanting government to grant it to them. They want to grow and succeed.

And I want to reference what the Gallop poll who says the United States people want to have us raise the debt ceiling. That’s simply not true. The United States people know that we need to change our spending habits to pay for the war. We need to cut the social welfare and bankrupt those institution that the free market hasn’t controlled.

I haven’t talk to any one who is out of work who can’t go out and make a small business.

We need to get the economy growing again. We need to get people jobs. And the best way to do that is not raise taxes of job makers, but rather take away healthcare, social security and any help for the non-job makers.