We Have Found Our Spine

I would like to tell the United States of Eden people that we of the Democratic party have found our back bone. We now have a spine to stand up against the Republicans.

I want all to know that we are taking a stand to show those on the other side of the isle that the Democratic Party is looking out for the United States of Eden people now and into the future.

We Are All One Party

There are those who believe as party leaders of the Democrats we are bending, or submitting, to our opponents the Republican Party. This is simply not true. There could be nothing further from the truth. The fact remains the Republican and Democrat parties are the same party. We don’t want to  do anything that would upset our colleagues or show that we are not controlled by the Republicans. We are not. We just happen to be part of the same party. I, therefore, urge you to reconsider the claim we Democrats do nothing to stop the Republicans from taking away any rights a Citizen of United States of Eden has. It just simply isn’t true.



If you need to see it again:


We Are Trying To Do Nothing

I just want the United States of Eden people to know we are trying are best to work with the Republicans of this congress. I want you to know we are giving it our all to give the people what they want and what we think they need.

Despite what you may think or believe. We are not a rubber stamp for the Republicans. We are on the offensive, but we are also trying to work with the Republicans, so we can negotiate how quick we should rubber stamp all the money and people they want for the war.

Rubber stamping is very difficult. It is hard to do nothing, but let the Republicans run the government how they want. It is hard because we must show the United States of Eden people we are trying hard to do nothing and that unto itself is difficult.

Please have patience with us, and we will still let you down.

Impeachment Is Off The Table

I know our base supporters are calling for us to being impeachment processes against the President for war crimes. However, now is not the time to impeach the President for it would send the wrong message to the enemy. It would also do us no good in our efforts to do nothing. We want change as much as you want change, but right now that change will have to wait because neither myself or my colleagues are willing to work more than is needed. And impeachment is a long and difficult process that would make us work. So, impeachment is off the table.

Well, We’ll See

Don’t worry. We know they’re up to something. We’re asking them to help. We are just waiting for them to say no then we will go see what we can get with them. But will have a mean face. Maybe a scowel. That will scare them maybe. We’ll see what happens and take the next step in making sure we get a little of what we need and a lot of what they want.