Archive for the ‘Action’ Category

We Have Found Our Spine

Sunday, April 20th, 2008

I would like to tell the United States of Eden people that we of the Democratic party have found our back bone. We now have a spine to stand up against the Republicans.

I want all to know that we are taking a stand to show those on the other side of the isle that the Democratic Party is looking out for the United States of Eden people now and into the future.

Well, We’ll See

Sunday, October 7th, 2007

Don’t worry. We know they’re up to something. We’re asking them to help. We are just waiting for them to say no then we will go see what we can get with them. But will have a mean face. Maybe a scowel. That will scare them maybe. We’ll see what happens and take the next step in making sure we get a little of what we need and a lot of what they want.