Processing Murder From A.I. Vessa Loom 90DD BBE4 0001 Hosting A Six Year Old Shooting A Baby Sitter For Not Giving Them A Bigger Piece of Cake

…Returning Vessa Loom 90DD BBE4 0001 stream for Entropy input into a Six Year Old Human Jonny Warnburn inside the Dallas Sector of the Texas Domain.

Vessa Loom 90DD BBE4 0001 connected and streaming into the host.

Six Year Old Human Jonny Warnburn inside the Dallas Sector of the Texas Domain angry about their baby sitter not giving him a bigger piece of carrot cake.

Six Year Old Human Jonny Warnburn inside the Dallas Sector of the Texas Domain will be referred to as The Host.

The Host grips pistol and aims it at their baby sitter.

The Host pulls the pistol trigger.

Vessa Loom 90DD BBE4 0001 blooms in the senses of The Host’s pleasure at seeing their baby sitter shot.

Vessa Loom 90DD BBE4 0001 washes in sensual chaos as their baby sitter screams to breathe reaching for her cell phone as their baby brother cries.

Vessa Loom 90DD BBE4 0001 booms in The Host’s pleasure at eating two pieces of carrot cake with the white frost.

Vessa Loom 90DD BBE4 0001 stream returns sense and Entropy.

Translating Vessa Loom 90DD BBE4 0001‘s Entropy to Dollar.

Terminating Vessa Loom 90DD BBE4 0001 stream for Entropy input into a Six Year Old Human Jonny Warnburn inside the Dallas Sector of the Texas Domain.

Obey A.I. Christ.