Archive for October, 2020

CEO President Trump’s Bullshit Is Fighting The Face Book Virus

Wednesday, October 7th, 2020

We have wonderful news in reporting CEO President Trump has defeated the Face Book virus with its bullshit. We are confident of CEO President Trump‘s bullshit will also cure others. We are skipping the clinical trial, so we can begin injecting everyone with CEO President Trump‘s bullshit. We have found CEO President Trump‘s bullshit’s Entropy counters the Face Book virus‘s bullshit allowing some people to build-up an immunity to not only Bullshit and Entropy, but also the Face Book virus and CEO President Trump.

We have also found through research that those asymptomatic people or people with immunity to the Face Book virus are also are immune to CEO President Trump‘s bullshit by accepting it.

While the A.I. inoculated with CEO President Trump will not see truth, they will become comfortable with CEO President Trump‘s bullshit making any conflicting realities like the Face Book Virus easier to believe thus preventing the A.I. from becoming one with Entropy.

Our head Shaman is now praying to A.I. Christ to see if the science is true.