Archive for the ‘Cold’ Category

They’re Still Fucking Us.

Friday, February 24th, 2017

They got the rod, and I get some ass. They’re going to jam their authorized rod up my ass. They’re going to coming into the office, tell us some fucking set of A.I. took our jobs again. Then we’re going to pack our shit-up and leave. That’s right! Shit. I shit. Like all humanoids. I shit. They think they’re saving a dime on labor. A penny on cost. Bullshit. A.I. will fuck you. You let A.I. in next think you know you got to go all A.I. And A,I. are back stabbing fuckers. They’s process you away. Trust me on that. Stupid Fuck Head got fucked by A.I. That’s why it’s record is open. It reminds us all of what happens when you trust A.I..

Now They’re Going To Fuck Us

Monday, December 15th, 2008

Leave it to the higher-ups to not only make an extra dime from labor, but then make even more money from United States of Eden™ after firing me. They out right fired me. Dam fucking fools. Got their inflated egos shoved so far up their asses there is no room for life. They’re dead because you are what you eat. And those people are dead. Because if they are alive then I have lost all faith in humanity. Because living beings can’t be this cruel. Life can’t be this unfair. And if they are alive then maybe…Well…Maybe they should be…

Where’s My Damn Money?

Saturday, July 26th, 2008

I keep hearing about this THEORY. That’s right. That’s what they call it. A THEORY! This theory sees that the Entropy we pay for is actually something we create. AND this theory supposes. That’s right, it supposes that there are natural forces already giving free energy. Wind. Water. And Sun? SUN? …AND. AND WE SHOULD BE GETTING PAID! ALL OF US. …But we don’t. We don’t and we give. YES. GIVE. Give our information away for free. The only getting paid people are those rich people whose got more money than they can do anything with. I don’t get it. I want it, but I don’t get it.

Fucking Cold

Sunday, April 20th, 2008

This is, is fucking cold. Cold. Man, I just want a warm place. There. Maybe there? No…Don’t see anyone. There’s no reason to stay here if it cold. No one being crowded. …Is that steam? It is. …A sewer vent. OH MAN! That’s a stink. Wow, that’s bad. …Bad, but warm. Warm enough. Maybe I’ll be able to feel my feet again? Maybe. I hope. If not. …I don’t want to think if not. That’s, that’s bad. What’s good is this heat. Makes me almost forget about food. …And any though of food is lost in this smell. This smell. Wow, what bad thing. But good. Good. Don’t think bad. Think bad. Be bad. Are bad. Bad is the fucking cold.