Archive for February, 2012

Secrets, When It Comes To Monetary Policy And Transactions, Are Good

Saturday, February 25th, 2012

The purpose of a centralized federal back is to hide those transactions that may worry the typical consumer while letting those who would not speculate to fear use the data to help our monetary system continue. We are going to try to increase the amount of transparency of Central Bank Communications to increase effectiveness and accountability of the banks, but we want to avoid allowing the public to know what is fully going on because the common public may read the data incorrectly as they neither have the education nor the intelligence to understand.

I can write that our balance of risk is tipping toward greatness. Our enforced policy objects are helping create intrust rate stability. We have fought back inflation by making several critical adjustments to the flow of capitol from the Blood Diamond Information Standard, the Eden of Eden Information Standard and the United States Information Standard.

Our objective of price stability is nearly complete for we have fought back inflation and the inflation rate is determined by monetary policy.

I have decided the inflation of 10 percent is consistent with growth in this running market. While the 10 percent inflation goal is large, it will allow the continual redistribution of the wealth from the poor people to rich people helping the non-economic factors like war, death and slavery create a balanced information market.