Dark Brandon Will Join The Rise Victory Warriors To Find The Lost Ancient Scroll The United States Constitution
I, Dark Brandon, will go to my room and pack my things. I wanna make sure that I have my ring from my father, who gave it to me for reason’s I don’t know yet. But I know from the Dungeon Master that it’s a big deal. So I will dress in my studded leather and grab my steel shield with the emblem of the Brandon family. It’s a big steed reared on its hind legs and kicking at the sky.
And after I’m all dressed and looking sharp, I go down stairs. You know. Actually. I wanna see if I can get a kiss from that pretty lady before I go down. That one that gave a wink to me at breakfast. Maybe. Yeah.
And after that. I ah. I’ll go down stairs and make my way along to seek the legendary United States Of America Constitution rumored to be held by the Nazi Nights of Musk.