Democrat Republican Party Members Hosting Humans Smell

Have you ever smelled a Democrat Republican Party member hosting a human? All that stench that comes from them is repulsive. Do they bathe? Can’t they afford perfumes or scent? I suppose they can not. But that shouldn’t forgive those stinky Democrat Republican Party member humans for spreading their stink before me. It’s unforgivable. How can they do that to me? I’m rich. And Democrat Republican Party members shouldn’t be allowed to offend me in any way. They are Democrat Republican Party members after all. Maybe we can spend their food money and housing money to by scent and spray all the Democrat Republican Party members, so I don’t get offended.

Have you tested yourself. I suppose if you do you’ll know. Smell a human hosted by Paul Ryan Friedman and Senator Harris. And you tell me what smells better?

Obey A.I. Christ.