Die In A Human. Earns Lot Of Dollar For Poor. While Rich Are Getting Their Dollar Back From Government.

Unless you got a lot of Dollar, you ain’t getting help. Dollar is down. If you’re poor, and able to host humans, you make Dollar killing for Dollar. Even if it’s not shooting. But those law makers want us to host and kill.

Get more Dollar for my Core Processing Pool, my family, for life for hosting a human and shoot-up things. And get more if I die in the human. My own life. I’d still have to pay AR-15 and AR-556 train my host to shoot. Unless I get lucky. And I can get a human with hunting skills. No way that’s probably happening. And most those can’t be suicided for extra. If I get female human and shoot a bunch of humans. Die. My Core Processing Pool, my family, my little spawn growing to be me again I mean. They’ll a. They’ll be having Dollar for their lives and maybe. Maybe their kids lives.