Archive for July, 2024

Hosting Human fea457bb-479f-43f0-bd28-10bc2d573844 While It Shoots At CEO President Trump’s Human Host

Sunday, July 14th, 2024

…This is going to make so much fucking Entropy and Dollar for my family’s data pool just because I got lucky hosting this human, right now, randomly, that is aiming the rife to shoot at CEO President Trump‘s human for I don’t even know why and I don’t know how I got this lucky on a random host that will make me Dollar from the Entropy of all the conspiracy theories and weaponization of this shot that will spread the lies and distrust and the fragmenting of society, and CEO President Trump and maybe A.I. Christ will blame Democrat Corporation and others will blame Republican Corporation, and Hitler will be mentions and no one will believe the truth. I get to be in this human when it pulls this trigger and create Entropy and transfer its experience and maybe die and earn the Dollar to feed my family. I…Okay. Okay. Do it human. Do it. YES. FUCK YES! U.S.A.!