Archive for June, 2008

NeoCain Is Just Another Reagan Bush

Monday, June 16th, 2008

Despite what you may have been told, NeoCain is not the straight talker he claims to be. In fact, it’s quite the opposite. Because if you look at the facts, you will see that he is just supporting failed Reagan Bush policies.

Together We Will Unite

Sunday, June 1st, 2008

Together we will unite and come together as one unit. And as one unit we will go forth together as one and not many. And as one our choices and our path will allow for a safer and more rich and sure future for everyone. Because the path of one of many will unite  us to one future, one success, one happiness.

Together we will be one of many. And one of many is greater than one. For one can fault while many of one will show the world I  am for ever and not now.

Together we will find freedom and peace as one because there is no fight or enemy that can defeat us by using us against us. As one THERE IS NO CHALLENGE OR FEAR THE ONE CAN’T FACE. As one…As one we will change the world around us for us.