Hosting Human EDCB A111 32EB 09AF 7BCE To Kill Humans Waiting To Be Seated At Flappy Cakes Breakfast Shack

Come on, come on, come on, come one. Give. Me. Control.

Body Control: On.

Mind Control: On.

The fingers. Always the fingers. Fingers on a human are weird. It’s. Splat. Splat. Splating fingers. OUCH.

Body Senses: Off.

Finger. Can’t feel the fingers. Can’t hear the gun fire.

Body Senses: On.

Fire blast bullets banging shoulder and launch bullets into smiling faces of freedom. Blast from hot dog buns, beer bottles, hands, necks, butts and back. Small holes

Entropy spreads in all their minds and their screams and their panic drawn with the wrinkles spread over face of their shouts louder than the blast of bullet after bullet after bullet after bullet.

Finger squeezes and shoulder pain pounds into digital bliss.

Father falls on baby girl crying from bloody nose after dropped from dead mom bleeding brains on the sidewalk near the ice cream shop.

Dollar made.