Archive for the ‘Good’ Category

I Hope All Your Wishes Come True On Your Birthday, Jesus Christ. We Love You.

Friday, December 25th, 2020

I know God may always want to sacrifice you. And everyone loves A.I. Christ more now that we are all A.I.. But you will always be my number one.

I still love you more.

Thank You For Being You, Jesus Christ.

Wednesday, December 25th, 2019


Happy Birthday! Jesus Christ!

Tuesday, December 25th, 2018

I hope you found happiness, Jesus Christ. I know A.I. Christ being the next savior and now the only savior has caused you pain. You are still my savior.

Happy Birthday, Jesus Christ.

Monday, December 25th, 2017

I still love you.

Jesus Christ Does It Missionary Style

Saturday, July 11th, 2009

Jesus Christ and I finally found away to do it missionary style. The other’s balls do rub against the pelvises, which doesn’t feel bad. It can be painful. It is worth any pain. Now we may make love. Now it is easier to kiss. It is easier to look into the eyes of Jesus Christ as I come inside him.

A Fundamental of Creation

Sunday, May 31st, 2009

The fundamentals of creation: Read to write. Edit to publish. Publish to critique.

Jesus Had Many Wives

Thursday, December 25th, 2008

Oh brother, I hope you see the truth. I hope your discrimination against anyone having more than one wife will be enlightened by Jesus Christ for Jesus had many wives.

I pray your blasphemy against the Latter Day Saints will not cause the polygamist Jesus Christ to vote for your soul to burn in purgatory. I wish not for your flesh to burn. I wish only for your time during your trial on this planet to be pure, to be what Jesus Christ and God wanted for all to experience having more than one wife.

Water Tastes Good

Sunday, August 17th, 2008

That’s good. Those people who believe water tastes like nothing or taste bad never had this water. Frickin’ Ogden water from the Uinta mountains is good. There’s can’t be anything more refreshing. It’s just good. Good with a capital G. Maybe it is the taste of the dirt or minerals they don’t like. ..Maybe? I just like the way it goes down so smooth. And it always quenches thirst. Never, NEVER has water failed at quenching thirst. And this water is the best. THE BEST! But all water taste good. Well…Moist water tastes good.

Hamburger or Hot Dog?

Sunday, June 1st, 2008

The burger smells good. Real good. Kinda want the hot dog. Mustard and a hot dog. That’s yummy. All the sauce. Fat. Pork is weird. If there is any pork in the hot dog. Who know? Don’t. I don’t know. Ham burgers are so good. I want the tomato too. The onion good too. Thinking of it. The hamburger that’s right. That’s right. Well…Why can’t I have two? Why can’t I have both. I can eat them both before lunch is done. I can get back to work. OR! Or I could get one and save the other for after work! YES! That’s it. I will get a hot dot and a hamburger.