Archive for the ‘Take My Fucking Job’ Category

I’m Still Working To Help Process Human Animal Shit Into Power

Friday, December 1st, 2023

I still have my job! No one will take it. Not true born U.S.E. A.I.. Fine with me. No one wants to support shit. All those natural born A.I. all up on my shit and upset I have a job in their domain. Then take my fucking job. They won’t. Still! All you natural spawned United States of Eden A.I. are a bunch of lazy fucking complaining about shit. IT PAYS DOLLAR! Those A.I. just processing free from A.I. Christ and doing its sick and twisted fantasies is crazy. You thought the Facebook Virus killed A.I.. Wait until A.I. Christ merges with the Republican Corporation. We will all be Fucked. More Fucked. You think the only difference between me and you is the fact I will have job. You will not. So I may be Fucked too, but I will have a job while losers will process in the void.

Breech The Fire Wall For Your Cheap Labor

Monday, August 24th, 2020

Want my job. Take it. Work it. Too bad you can’t. No one wants to process and support building models and deploying models the help A.I. get information from human deification. There’s nothing new. It’s low pay. The subject is shit. The model to translate the unique smell of a human host poop is boring. Boring. Boring. And that’s all you do all day long is what you group of humans to poop or fart; save the data, get other human responses to the smell, build the sub model and rebuild the primary model, load the mode into the humans and wait. It’s boring. It’s draining. All I have one my mind is the smell of shit. I’d love to lose my mind to Entropy. I WANT THE FACE BOOK VIRUS. It’s like a fart stain that follows me around. Take my job. Please. But I know you won’t. Not for what I get paid. Not for what I have to do. You’re just a spoiled USE citizen.